An Interview with Gary.

Next week journalist and former White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino, will visit the Africa Mercy on location in the Congo. As it turns out, a college classmate of mine, Sam Ebersole, taught Dana at Colorado State. Unfortunately, I won't be on board to impress Dana with this proof of how small the world really is, as I'm in the US with our daughter, Carys, getting her ready to move into the dorms at Whitworth University.  This momentous event will take place in just nine days! 

Gary and Wesley returned to the ship in Pointe Noire a few weeks ago. Shortly after they arrived, a small flood occurred -- apparently the toilet went into free-flow -- and the boys now get to use the public bathroom a few decks down while some spare parts are located. Yeah, I'm really glad I'm here and not there.  

As a lead in to Dana's upcoming visit to the Africa Mercy, her blog is featuring a weekly piece on various crewmembers. You may read her latest post -- an interview with Gary here.  

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